Simple Garage Man Cave Ideas & DIY Low Budget Designs
Let’s take a look at some easy DIY low budget small garage man cave ideas for YOUR man cave.
Lots of cheap ideas to convert your garage into an awesome man cave hangout in any size garage. If you like super cool garage ideas, this page is for YOU!

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Low budget man cave designs and cheap man cave stuff might feel out of reach when you have little money to work with to turn your small garage into a man cave for your own space.
The good news is: you CAN create a DIY man cave bar or small garage hangout room on a budget – just take a look at the DIY low budget garage man cave ideas and pictures below to get your creativity flowing.
Ready to turn YOUR small garage into a really cool garage man cave hangout?
All you need is some Do It Yourself handy work and some cool and cheap man cave stuff, and you can turn YOUR garage into a man cave like this:
Here’s some quick links for ideas to turn a garage into a man cave for cheap or any low-budget:
- Man Cave Garage Photos
- Cheap and Easy Garage Man Cave Ideas
- How To Create a Garage Man Cave
- Small Garage Man Cave Ideas
- Garage Man Cave Floor Ideas
- Garage Man Cave Accessories
- Man Cave Must Haves
- Cheap Man Cave Stuff
Men have always needed a place that they could call their own. When I was a kid, the men always hung out in the garage. In the garage, there was always a refrigerator full of beer (it didn’t matter which one of my neighbor’s house it was, there was always a refrigerator full of beer) and often times there was a TV set accompanied by a motorcycle or maybe a classic car. Back then we just called it a garage, today it is commonly referred to as a Man Cave.
Times haven’t changed much; men still need a place that they can call their own. A place to get away from “everything else”. The first time I heard of a man cave was probably about a year ago. I was at my friend’s house helping him build an addition onto his home. He explained to me that he was going to build himself a man cave in the garage. I had no idea what he was talking about; I envisioned some kind of tunnel or pit that he was going to dig. He went on to explain how he was going to build a four car garage with a game room above it; it would be separate from the house. Next to the game room he was going to build an entire apartment for his friends to stay. Granted, my friend has more money than he knows what to do with but that’s his prerogative I guess.
His small garage man cave has this cool gaming console:
He simply converted an Ikea bookshelf and added lighting – was pretty cheap to do, but it looks super awesome!
A man cave is your space, a place where no one can take anything away from you. Whether that is the basement or the space above the garage it’s important that you have a place where you are completely comfortable and are in charge of all of the decor, appliances and toys. Of course the way you decorate and design your man cave is completely personal preference. The purpose of this? Your man cave is a place where you can get away for a minute, a place to enjoy the football game with your buddies or watch the next pay-per-view fight.
Is your garage a cluttered mess?
Typically the centerpiece of any man cave is definitely going to be the television set.
For example my uncle had a separate warehouse that he called “Toys”, he even went to the extent of designing a neon sign for the exterior of the building that said “Toys”. Within his man cave, a projection TV from which he would broadcast at least an 80 inch image onto the large warehouse wall where we would watch NASCAR races, boxing events and movies from time to time.
Every man cave is simply not complete without that impressive television set. Of course you’re going to need a minimum of cable or perhaps even a satellite dish along with the sound system to accompany that impressive television.
Furniture for your man cave?
Cheap man cave stuff is something that I’ve never thought was so important; however we always did have buckets to sit on, an old barber chair for example and in the case of my uncle’s man cave was a set of bleachers accompanied by a couch that he had made out of the back end of a 1964 Cadillac Coupe DeVille.
Focus your money on what’s important, that’s definitely the toys in my opinion.
Your buddies are not going to care whether they’re on the bleachers or a set of buckets as long as you have the most up-to-date TV set with surround sound and a place they feel comfortable. Now if posh furniture is what makes you feel most comfortable, then perhaps you want to focus on purchasing a nice leather sofa set.
That is probably the nicest part about having your own man cave; it is all up to you!
The last two important elements for your man cave… Make sure you take the time to decorate your man cave to reflect you. This could simply be utilizing the junk that you have in your crawlspace or attic.
My uncle’s place had classic cars, motorcycles, pinball machines, high pressure washers for cleaning the cars and he even had a sand blasting machine.
Whatever the case, make sure to put a little of “yourself” in your man cave.
Next, make sure to lock the place up! Don’t forget the lock. This is a place where you want to go to be left alone without any distractions. This is a sanctuary, a place where you can be a man and not get in trouble for it. Knowing that you have a place to go to, a place you can’t get kicked out of, a place that belongs to you and only you.