Best Raffle Door Prizes For a Company Party or Work Employees
Raffle Prize Ideas, Gift Baskets and Door Prizes For Work Parties & Company Events – Having a company party or work event and need raffle prize ideas or door prizes for a company party?
Stuck wondering, “What are some GOOD raffle prizes we can raffle off for work?“ Good news! These raffle prize ideas below will help you decide on GOOD raffle prizes no matter what your prize budget is.
I’ll even give you a HUGE list of companies near you that donate FREE raffle prizes. FREE raffle prizes are the BEST raffle prizes, right? Right!

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Here’s the raffle prize ideas on this page below:
- best companies to ask for raffle prizes and FREE donations
- company holiday party raffle prizes
- door prize ideas for employees
- raffle prize ideas for adults
- office raffle prizes
- luxury raffle prizes
- funny workplace raffle prizes
- office raffle basket ideas
- company picnic raffle prize ideas
and much more!

Good Raffle Prizes For Adults
Some good work raffle prize ideas for adults are raffle baskets that include luxury prizes (think trips, gift certificates to fancy restaurants, expensive wine gifts, sporting event tickets, resort stays, golf packages, spa days etc)
These type of raffle prizes are definitely the most popular raffle baskets for employees to win in a work raffle – especially as the GRAND prize!
Tip: If your boss /employer agrees, a VERY popular work raffle prize is a PAID day off – you will see your co-workers FIGHT for this prize every, single time.
As a bonus, if you make sure all employees KNOW that they could win a PAID day OFF, you WILL have more employees SHOW UP at your work event or company party.
Cheap Raffle Prize Ideas
Some good CHEAP raffle prize ideas are usually gift certificates to local businesses like restaurants, movie theaters, Top Golf, hair salons and nail salons, Starbucks gift cards, fast food gift cards – even a big brand store gift card (like Walmart, Home Depot, Lowes, Amazon, Kroger, Publix) are good cheap raffle prizes.
Don’t forget: DONATED raffle prizes are the CHEAPEST raffle prizes you can get because – they’re FREE.
Another inexpensive door prize or raffle prize idea is a gift basket full of company SWAG – think t-shirts, jackets, sweatshirts, mugs, office supplies, etc all with the company logo on them.
Custom company shirts are super popular and can be VERY affordable.
Heck, your company might even already have them laying around somewhere not being used so be sure to check what is available to use as raffle prizes.
We did this raffle prize basket idea at a company picnic and it was one of the best raffle prize ideas EVER – all the employees loved it!
We also had these fire pit raffle baskets like in the picture below as raffle door prizes – not only were they cheap enough to make, everyone at work went crazy for them.

Raffle Prizes on a Budget
There are MANY good raffle prizes no matter WHAT your budget is.
The secret is to make sure the raffle prize LOOKS valuable to the potential winners.
Just holding up a $5 Starbucks gift card as a door prize is NOT going to cut it – you need to put that gift card in a showy raffle gift basket with other items – make sense?
How much you SPENT on the raffle prize is NOT what matters –
What DOES matter to them is what the raffle prize would cost THEM if they bought those prizes out of their own pocket AND that the prize has a big perceived value.
Eye of the beholder – got it?
For example, this Jeep-themed wreath was a BIG hit at MY office party raffle – but NOT at my husband’s company party.

You simply need to KNOW your audience when figuring out GOOD prizes to raffle off.
$50 Raffle Prize Ideas
Here are some good $50 raffle prizes for work:
This ice cream maker raffle prize was popular and was less than $50 to put together.

Now, this Raking in the Cash raffle basket prize was a HUGE hit – you can put this raffle prize together from under $50 or spend as much as you want to increase the value.

$100 Raffle Prize Ideas
If your prize budget is a little higher, here are some good $100 raffle prizes for your company party or work event.
These Jello Shot raffle prize baskets was VERY popular – VERY – every single employee and company party guest wanted it.

$150 Raffle Prize Ideas
Below are some great $150 raffle prize ideas for adults at your work or corporate event:
A lottery ticket money tree makes a really good raffle prize and can be put together for $150 or whatever amount you have available in your raffle budget.

Here’s another VERY popular raffle basket prize idea – everyone loves them scratch offs haha!
Luxury Raffle Gift Baskets
Luxury raffle prizes are a BIG deal at company parties and work fundraiser events.
Just ALWAYS keep in mind – presentation is EVERYTHING.
Make sure your luxury prizes are presented in a big, bold way.
For example, these luxury raffle prize basket ideas below:
ANYTHING “Yeti” makes for a GREAT luxury raffle prize, like the prizes in the picture below…

Also, anything WINE related makes for a good raffle prize at a company party – just fill the raffle prize baskets with wines and wine-related accessories that work with your event budget.

Christmas Raffle Ideas for Work
Having a Christmas raffle at a work office party?
Here are some very popular company Holiday party raffle prizes.
This Christmas-themed raffle prize basket works well for Christmas parties at work…
Last year, one of my co-workers made these Grinch Christmas decorations and raffled them off.
EVERYONE wanted them! (and NO, darnit, I did NOT win them!)
Christmas gnomes are SO popular – we’re raffling off a Christmas gnome door wreath like in the picture below – instructions to make it are here.
Where To Get FREE Raffle Prizes
You can get FREE raffle prizes donated from these businesses in your area – even LUXURY raffle prizes for your work event or company party!
Below is a pdf file that has a BIG list of the best companies to ask for raffle prizes.
More Raffle Prize Ideas
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